Thursday, December 11, 2014

Candy Cane Meringues

4 egg whites
1/2 t cream of tartar
4 oz (by weight) candy canes ground fine
4 oz (by weight) powdered sugar

Sift the cream of tartar over the egg whites in mixing bowl.
Beat until soft peaks form.
Add a tablespoon or two of ground candy cane.
Beat until medium peaks form.
Gradually add the powdered sugar and the rest of the ground candy canes.
Continue beating until stiff and glossy.
Put the meringue into a pastry bag with a large star tip.
Pipe into "kisses" onto cookie sheets covered with silicone liners or parchment paper.
Let rest an hour or so.
Preheat the oven to 200F.
Bake for an hour, turn off the oven, and leave them inside for a few hours or over night.