Kielbasa and Vegetables
I hadn't thawed anything to cook today, and needed to make something fast and easy, if I was going to make anything at all in time for lunch. Kielbasa thaws really fast, and it's pre-cooked, so it seemed like a good idea.
My mom always cooked kielbasa with carrots and potatoes, and some water so it would all steam together. I don't have any potatoes at the moment, and I'm trying to cut back on starches in every-day meals... and I had some cauliflower that REALLY needed to be used up...
This is what I came up with.
Chop up an onion. Heat a couple of tablespoons of olive oil in a fry pan.
Start sauteing (on high or medium-high, depending on your stove--I wanted it to sound "sizzilly") the onion as you chop up three carrots. Add the carrots.
Continue to saute as you chop up some cauliflower. (I used up the end of a head--maybe a couple of cups.) I wasn't exactly sauteing--more like stirring occasionally. But I liked how the onions and cauliflower started to caramelize on the sides.
Continue to saute as you halve/quarter 8 oz of mushrooms.
Continue to saute as you slice a 13 oz kielbasa (this one was turkey).
Add about 1/2 teaspoon of salt (mine is kosher salt) and some black pepper. (I measured the salt after I poured it into my hand--it was just under 1/2 teaspoon. I was curious.)
Smash up 1/2 teaspoon of mustard seed with a mortar and pestle and add that. (If you have ground mustard powder on hand, I'm sure that would be just about the same.)
The mushrooms throw off quite a bit of liquid. Continue to cook, stirring occasionally, probably reducing the heat to medium, until the kielbasa is warm and the vegetables are cooked as much as you like them.
We decided that it was very good. It's different from just carrots and potatoes, but I might actually prefer this!
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